Next meetings - early 2017
Post date: 03-Dec-2016 16:15:57
Thursday 19 January 2017 at 7:30 pm
Myopia control - the next contact lens revolution
Prof. Phil Morgan, University of Manchester
1 CET point, C-53750 for optometrists and CLOs
At Cleckheaton Golf Club (Just off M62 junction 26), The Clubhouse, 483 Bradford Road, Cleckheaton, BD19 6BU.
Wednesday 8 March 2017, reception from 7:00 pm
The Owen Aves Memorial Lecture
Orthoptics for the busy optometrist
Prof. Bruce Evans, Institute of Optometry
1 CET point, C-55689 for optometrists
At Cleckheaton Golf Club (Just off M62 junction 26), The Clubhouse, 483 Bradford Road, Cleckheaton, BD19 6BU.
Wednesday 10th May 2017
A half day conference is being planned to include a Peer Discussion. Lecture topics will cover free-form varifocals, Eyelea and ARMD. Further details by March.
Subject to speaker availability we hope also to organise a lecture on Glaucoma, perhaps in February.